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Ian Plumbley's Business Blog

Ian Plumbley is a business developer, contact Ian on +1 310 379 1674 if you want him to help turn your business, that is good at what it does, into a business that is great and profitable at what it does. Focussing on your Sales, Marketing and Operations will help improve your return on investment. © Copyright Ian Plumbley 2005 - 07

29 November 2005

Corporate Governance or policy for policy sakes?

Britain's biggest bank goes Green
By Caroline Merrell, Banking Correspondent

Times Online Article

So is this right or wrong, I think right, if the guy has done a good job and to maintain continuity in vision, direction and management style, why not, sometimes we get caught up in the controlling guidelines, not all businesses need the strict controls imposed on them some of them are clean enough and honest enough to be run effectively and properly by the team appointed by the board and its major share holders.

Good luck to the man and his organisation.


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