Slightly light hearted view...
Well I was going on holiday today in fact I should have been at T4, London Heathrow waiting to depart these shores on a BA flight, so I guess you can work out what has happened…
What the hell are the BA striker’s thinking of, they have just been rewarded with their first bonus for many years, because the company has started to improve it’s performance, then these idiots go on strike, sack the lot, that’s what I say, give the jobs to people who would appreciate them, although the perks of working for an airline have diminished over the years they are still better than most jobs.
They are all barking mad, all because another company took an action to keep it’s self alive and commercially viable.
This is not only the ravings of a p****ed off passenger not going on holiday, but this is my belief, long live unions for the real reason they were set up, to protect the workers right’s against being worked like a dog without reward, so when was the last time a worker in a large UK corporation really got abused… the TGWU leaders need to get a grip, sort out the membership before they are shut down… Old hat guys, move on and add value…
Times news article